Worthy Tutor’s Policy for Online Classes
Worthy Tutors is an educational platform that facilitates students to find a suitable tutor. We created an open platform where students can contact directly with tutors without creating an account. To create a friendly environment, we have laydown few guidelines for tutors and students.
Here are key points and guidelines for online tuition classes.
Payment Policy
- At Worthy Tutors, all tutors get 80% of the charged fee.
- Students are not allowed to send payment directly to their tutor’s account.
- Students who pay directly to any tutor, they cannot claim a refund or tutor change.
- We accept payments in PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa.
Payment Refund Policy
- If a student is not satisfied from his/her tutor, he can ask for a change of tutor or refund within seven days. We will replace a tutor for him/her or return 80% of the fee.
- If a student attends classes over 7 days, he cannot apply for a refund.
- If a student hire a tutor for one week, he can ask for refund after 1st class. There is no refund if has taken two or more classes.
- Tutor will be paid after completion of classes. Though he can get weekly payment if hired for long-term classes.
- Students will only deposit fee to Worthy Tutors.
Instructions for Tutors.
- Ensure perfect teaching environment like good internet connectivity, webcam, speakers, appropriate light, noiseless surroundings, and alternative to light failure.
- Do not provide demo classes more than one-hour class.
- If a tutor receives multiple students and have no time to manage, refer them to us.
- Always teach with a smiling face, avoid harsh/abusive language.
- If a tutor unable to continue classes, he can refer the student to us. We will recommend him/her another suitable tutor.
Instructions for Students
- If any tutor is not taking classes properly, the student should contact us for the change of tutor.
- Do not ask for more than one demo class.
- Class duration will be 40 minutes to one hour.
- Observe proper class timings.
- A missed class will be counted as absent and will not be adjusted.
- Co-operate with your tutors.
Reviews about Tutors
- Anyone can give a review at the end of a tutors profile in comments section.
Remain in contact with other tutors and establish a Caring Worthy Tutor’s Family. Always suggest this platform to your students, fellows, and relatives.
Instruction for Creating a Tutoring Profile
Those who are interested in teaching online, they should provide us following data:
- Create a tutoring profile on our website.(see complete guideline here)
- Upload real profile image (Mandatory)
- Provide an introductory video (Mandatory) (see sample video here)
- Provide us a recorded demo class on your subject (Optional)
- Mail us your CV / resume at info@worthytutors.com
- For more information, WhatsApp at +923210337799