• Appraise vs Apprise (pair of words)

    Understanding the Difference Between Appraise and Apprise

    Differences Between “Appraise” and ” Apprise” The English language is replete with words that sound similar but have different meanings. Two such words are “appraise” and “apprise.” While they may be confused due to their pronunciation, each word has a distinct meaning and usage. Appraise Pronunciation of Appraise Appraise (uh-PREYZ): /əˈpreɪz/  Meanings of Appraise To “appraise” is to assess the value, quality, or significance of something. It involves forming a judgment or estimation, often based on careful examination or analysis.  Synonyms of Appraise Evaluate Assess Estimate Gauge Determine  Etymology and Explanation of Appraise The verb “appraise” is derived from the Anglo-French term “preiser,” which means “to prize, praise.” It is…