As an ex-student, I know that a student’s academic career is full of writing assignments that are given by their teacher/class instructor. Let me tell you one more thing which is that, due to some reasons, most students will not be successful in coming up with an assignment that is completely according to the required guidelines.
Instead, most of the time they have to rewrite their assignments to either improve the overall quality (clarity, readability, uniqueness) or to make them according to the guidelines. However, it is essential to note that rewriting requires students to follow the right steps.
In this article, I am going to explain the step-by-step that students follow to efficiently rewrite their assignments. So, without discussing any additional details, let’s head towards the steps.
How to Rewrite an Assignment – Step-by-Step Guide
Below are some steps that you have to follow to rewrite the assignments in an efficient manner way.
Alert: Each step has its own importance, it is recommended to follow each one efficiently, for the best results.
1. Understand The Guidelines Of The Assignment

The heading name will already provide you with an efficient idea of what you need to do in this step. You have to understand the guidelines of the assignments.
I personally believe it is essential because without getting familiar with the guidelines, how you can rewrite an assignment efficiently? Moreover, teachers or instructors usually set certain guidelines for an assignment.
For instance, they ask the students to write in a specific tone/writing style or discuss a particular argument with proper detail. Due to these reasons, it is essential to get familiar with the guidelines of the assignment before starting the rewriting process.
2. Identify Areas That Need To Be Rewritten

After getting familiar with the guidelines, students then need to go through their assignments entirely to figure out the areas of improvement. For this, they have to find specific portions (sentences/paragraphs) where they are not able to deliver their ideas/thoughts.
When they have identified the areas, students will have an efficient idea of what parts of the assignment they must have to rewrite.
Useful tip: It would be good if you note down the areas of improvement separately so that you cannot forget any of them during the rewriting process.
3. Gather More Information If Needed And Review The Outline

Students have to follow this step in only one case, keep reading to you will find out. After identifying the areas of the assignment, students then have to decide whether they have enough information available to efficiently rewrite those points or if they need to gather more data.
Now, review the outline or points discussed in the assignment. They need to figure the only relevant points are included in it or not. Along with this, they also have to make sure the arrangement of arguments or points in the assignment is fine or not.
4. Start Rewriting Process

The most important step of the rewriting process has arrived. Here students will have to make use of all the things that they have done in the previous step. To kick start the rewriting process of assignments, students will make the following changes:
- Changing/replacement of previously rewritten words or phrases with their contextually appropriate synonyms.
- Alteration of sentence structure (rearrangement of words within sentences).
- Removal of unnecessary/overused words from the assignment.
Obviously, making these changes in the assignment will not only require excellent writing abilities but also speed as well. Not only this, rewriting manually will have a chance that students may end up rewriting an inaccurate version (a version that does not deliver the same meaning as the original one).
Fortunately, there is an effective solution available that resolves all these issues. The solution is utilizing an online rewriter tool. The tool quickly rewrites the given text in a completely new way by making all the changes (listed above) and also retains the original meaning.
5. Proofread Or Edit

Once you are done with the rewriting process, it is time to proofread/edit. The proofreading will involve taking care of multiple things:
For instance, students have to ensure that the rewritten version of an assignment is delivering the same meaning as its original variant. Besides this, they also have to confirm that it is completely according to the required guidelines.
Along with this, they also have to ensure the rewritten assignment is completely free from all kinds of grammatical mistakes.
Final Words:
During their academic writing career, students may come across the need to rewrite their assignments to either improve their quality or make them tailored to the given requirements. In this article, I have explained a step-by-step procedure that they follow to efficiently perform the rewriting process.